UseR Brussels 2017

I went to UseR-2017 in Brussels. It was my first time at an UseR (I have been to the first satRday), AND I LOVED IT! There were many interesting talks, I am so going to use Fast Frugal Trees in the future for instance and I saw a lot of shiny applications and R professional.

But best of all. I talked to a lot of people, people I only spoke to online. Thanked some people for their help in my packages and generally had a lot of fun!

One of the fun things I did was asking people about packages that should be created but are not yet there, I put them here: Contribute if you want.

One of the packages that should exist is one that gives you suggestions for Kareoke, preferably powerballads, of course I used one of the breaks to create a github page and a package. However a suggestion app needs songs, so me and Kevin O’Brian tricked people into adding to the list of powerballads.

What we still need though, is a shiny app that you can access from your phone when you are IN the kareoke bar.

We put the package under a new github group: R-eoke And yes, submit your songs!

See you around.