Adding logging to a shiny app with loggit

This is a very short post with example code Over time when you move your shiny app from your computer to a server, you want to add some logging. Generally logging is defined in levels : INFO (everything you want to print), WARNING (it does not stop the application, but it could be a problem), and ERROR (fatal things). Shiny server does already log all it’s actions to a file on the server, but that file can be hard to access. [Read More]

UseR Brussels 2017

I went to UseR-2017 in Brussels. It was my first time at an UseR (I have been to the first satRday), AND I LOVED IT! There were many interesting talks, I am so going to use Fast Frugal Trees in the future for instance and I saw a lot of shiny applications and R professional. But best of all. I talked to a lot of people, people I only spoke to online. [Read More]