Submitting your first package to CRAN, my experience

I recently published my first R package to The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). It was very exciting and also quite easy. Let me walk you through my process. First a description of my brand new package: badgecreatr, then a description of steps to take for submission. Package description When you go around github looking at projects you often see these interesting images in the readme The ones you see above are from ggplot2. [Read More]

Introducing Badgecreatr, a package that places badges in your readme

Introducing Badgecreatr, a package to create and place badges in your readme.Rmd file on Github. Badgecreatr will create the following badges (aka shields): Installation Install the package with install.packages("badgecreatr") How do you use badgecreatr? Badgecreatr has one main function: badgeplacer(). The most simple command is: badgecreatr::badgeplacer( githubaccount = "yourgithubname",githubrepo = "yourpackagename", branch = "master") If your project is in its infancy and you don’t want people to use it yet: [Read More]

Creating a package for your data set

Turning your dataset into a package is very useful for reproducable research. This tutorial is for you, even if you’ve never created a package in r. Why would you turn your dataset into a package? very easy to share easy to load (library(name) is easier then load("path/to/file") or data<-read.csv("path/to/file") etc.) documentation is part of the package and will never separate from data attributes of file remain nice and easy introduction to package building What do you need to do to create a dataset package: [Read More]