Adding logging to a shiny app with loggit

This is a very short post with example code Over time when you move your shiny app from your computer to a server, you want to add some logging. Generally logging is defined in levels : INFO (everything you want to print), WARNING (it does not stop the application, but it could be a problem), and ERROR (fatal things). Shiny server does already log all it’s actions to a file on the server, but that file can be hard to access. [Read More]

Setting up a version controlled shiny-server

Last week I set up a shiny server, it was relatively easy! But I wanted something more, a way to make changes on my local computer and push it to the server. Shiny server (I used the open source version) has multiple installers provided by RStudio. The installers for shiny-server create a user shiny and installs all the services needed. I used a guide specific for my version of linux to install shiny-server and combined it with two other guides to make it version controlled. [Read More]