Sentiment of Security Now! over time

If you believe some people, everything is getting worse1. More so in infosec. For the past few years I listened to many many hours of podcasts, many hours where spent on the weekly show Security Now!. The hosts Steven Gibson and Leo Laporte have been talking about security related news every week over 13 years. Although the content has changed over time, there used to be more explanations but the majority of time is now filled with news, we could use the sentiment in the episodes to see if ‘everything is getting worse’. [Read More]

Generate text using Markov Chains (sort of)

Inspired by the hilarious podcast The Greatest Generation, I have worked again with all the lines from all the episode scripts of TNG. Today I will make a clunky bot (although it does nothing and is absolutely not useful) that talks like Captain Picard. I actually wanted to use a Markov Chain to generate text. A Markov Chain has a specific property. It doesn’t care what happened before, it only looks at probabilities from the current state to a next state. [Read More]